Palletization with Robot

Realized projectsProjects

Automatix projects include: Integration of palletizing robot KUKA

Our client UniPro has a production base for high-quality powder building mixes.

The challenge we faced was to eliminate the manual labor of the staff and the monotonous and boring repetition of their work. The solution was to automate the process by implementing an industrial palletizing robot. In this way, workers are engaged in activities that are of greater added value.

The product in the specific application is packed in 25 kg bags, and manual palletizing is a problem for the production process. Productivity was improved, by removing the health and safety risk associated with manual palletization. A 6-axis KUKA model KR200 industrial robot was chosen for the specific application due to its intensive workload, year-round operation, high durability and precision.

The implementation of industrial robot palletizers provides greater precision, efficiency, high quality of the product and speed, which propels it on the market faster. This has a significant impact on the financial result. The way to design a robotic system of this type of production process requires the design and development of mechanisms responsible for each step of the process. The gripper model DBF-21 from Automatix has been designed and manufactured especially for this type of robot.

Additional mechanisms for the robotic system have been made such as a roller conveyor, a deflection frame for guiding the bag in the center of the conveyor belt, limiting plates for the pallet in a specific position and others. The robotic system is tailored and implemented according to machine safety requirements and standards. The robot is surrounded by a protective fence. Light barriers of the German supplier Pilz are installed. They are purchased and supplied by SafetyUp Ltd with whom we partner closely.

After the robotization of the process, a productivity of 500 bags per hour was achieved. The result of the implementation of industrial robots for palletizing is the reduction of each single work cycle and highly increased productivity.

Автоматично позициониране, подаване и завинтване на метални винтове впрофили и корпуси. X Y сервопозиционираща система, точност на повторение 0,02мм, скорост до 400 мм/сек. Контрол на въртящия момент и ъгъла на завиване.Автоматична система за подаване на винтове. Сензори за контрол за наличие на винтовите преди и след процес на завинтване.

Фреза за автоматично депалетизиране на единична печатна платка от панел, сръчно зареждане и разтоварване. Сменяем адаптер, специално проектиран за PCBпанел. X Y сервопозиционираща система, точност на повторение 0,02 мм, скоростдо 400 мм/сек. Пневматична ос Z

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